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  • Writer's pictureGreen Party of Ontario

For-Profit Healthcare: Who Really Pays the Price?

Doug Ford is following the lead of Alberta and B.C. by implementing for-profit healthcare.

Now we know that the cost to patients and taxpayers in those provinces has been huge and continues to grow.

This year 11,400 people died waiting for care in Ontario. Two thousand died this year while waiting for surgeries, 50 per cent more than last year, and 9,400 people died while waiting for MRIs or CT scans.

This government’s continued underinvestment in our public healthcare system will result in more people dying while waiting for care.

We need to invest in a system the province can be proud of.

We can’t settle for anything less.

There’s no place for profit in our healthcare system. Join us in demanding that Ford and Health Minister Sylvia Jones abandon their privatization scheme and put patient care first.


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